Lots of new and exciting things are taking place with the Festival Building, and around town!
We have upgraded our electrical boxes around town that we use for the Monrovia Festival vendors. We are working to upgrade the retention wall that hold up our parking lot on Main St. Also, the steps that go down the hill from the back of the parking lot have been upgraded. We have been doing a lot of painting around the outside of our building. The picnic tables have been painted, as well as all of our parking bumpers. We have repaired doors that have long needed to be repaired, and we are going to be making upgrades to our meeting room as well. We are excited to share our upgrades with you! Please stop by to see us during one of our regular monthly meetings. We are always looking for volunteers to join the committee and help with our community events. If you are interested in volunteering, please fill out the form on our contact page.
50 Walnut St