See our calendar of events at the bottom of this page. Euchre Tournaments 3rd Saturday of every month Cards starting at 6:00pm. $5 donation to play Refreshments are available.
Wizard Card Game Nights 4th Friday of every month Cards start at 6pm
Monrovia Festival The town festival is always the weekend after Labor Day. Friday evening, all day Saturday and Sunday. Food, vendors, games, music and more...... Fun for all ages!
Community Halloween Party Everyone is invited! Candy for the kids. Fully decorated photo booth. Refreshments. October 31st, every year. 5:00pm-8:00pm Free event - donations are always appreciated.
Community Christmas Party with Santa Christmas with Santa for the community is always the first Saturday in December. Santa comes to visit with the kids, photos with Santa, Holiday bear giveaway, Coloring contest, treats for the kids! Free event - donations are always appreciated.